Turns out, as usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short with this
money making idea. Someone already has it up on E-Bay.
You can now own 2 ounces of the water that destroyed
the city, a souvenir you will treasure! Packed in
a clear but unbreakable lucite vial, the same type the
crack dealers use, this real sample of the very same
water pumped outta the city comes complete with
a genuine certificate of authenticity and a chemical
analysis, listing real E.Coli bacteria, oil, decaying
human flesh, rum, sewage, toxic chemicals and other
trace elements. Amaze your friends but do not open
the vial unless you are planning to use it in a voodoo
curse or to poison your local, state or federal public
official. $25 postpaid includes Biohazard shipping costs,
vial, display stand, certificate and manual. 10% of all
proceeds go to Katrina relief. Accept no substitutes.
Y'all git some 'fore it's all gone!