Friday, February 10, 2006

On the Eve of Battle.

These are heady, fantastic days, bicycling over urban mountains and forests in Glen Park District, found rock outcroppings pushingpedals up O'Shaungnessy St. while reveling in the natural beauty of Twin Peaks. Then I biked down past Laguna Honda, Woodside, 6th Avenue, skirted a corner of Golden Gate Park and then past Kezar Stadium. I walked into the pub of the same name, Bremen-Stuttgart was on the big screen and two ex-London cabbies, one here in SF, the other from Fiji! Did we share some stories, loudly and with much insults,ther over Stellas at 3 in the afternoon! Shed End and Neil were invited to tonights Mad Dog in the Fog welcome reception, to which I am going in a few minutes with my regalia, flags and scarves. Tonight we drink as friends, tomorrow all business. Later on dinner at Little Henry's, then possible this evening midnight a Meat Beat Manifesto music at Mezzanine and THEN I go over to KPFA in Berkeley to asppear as on on-air personality on the SubGenius Radio Minstry.

Last night one of those nights when you are forced to be an artist. I sang vocals for a pickup band in a rehearsal space at 2 am with Carasik, my mainman Fred Crini, and a young lady named Angela we met at Lush (at a Death Sentence Panda show) who is trying to learn drums and base. It was a moment of pure self expression and bad/not-so bad Musique. Only here, only now, and only to me it seems. Boooshakallakalka!


Blogger G said...

Cheers for the updates. Even though I'm a So. Cal. native I heve to admit that SF is the best city in the state...Is that radio show available on the web? Smoke a bowl for me...

1:39 PM  

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