Cameron Diaz - Agent of the Shining Path!

I am going to take full credit for this stunning development.
"Diaz Apologizes for Bag Faux-Pas June 25, 2007
Cameron Diaz has issued an apology after insulting locals on a visit to Peru by carrying a bag emblazoned with a communist slogan.
The actress was visiting the Inca city of Machu Picchu on Friday wearing an olive green bag with a red star and the words "Serve the People" written in Chinese. The message was seen by many as a reference to Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong. Zedong's Maoist Shining Path insurgency fought the Peruvian government in the 1980s and early 1990s, killing almost 70,000 people.
Human rights activists described the actress' bag as "inappropriate." However Diaz has now apologized for her ignorance.
She says, "I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently offended. The bag was a purchase I made as a tourist in China and I did not realize the potentially hurtful nature of the slogan printed on it.
"I'm sorry for any people's pain and suffering and it was certainly never my intention to reopen what I now know is a painful wound in this country's history."
"Serve the People"- I believe that is how the title of that book in the infamous Twilight Zone was translated into Chinese- Remember? They thought the aliens were going to "serve man" but it was a cookbook!
BTW, are you also behind running Fujimori as a candidate for the Japanese Diet??
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